Private Information
Middlename (Nickname):WLMNLP985FMHDTV
Relationship Status:Single
About me:Welcome, we are currently a licensed business internet-based low power amateur community radio station. We broadcast Sunday 8:00pm e.s.t. to Saturday 2:00am e.s.t on the Internet and on the FM dial on 98.5 (Channel 253) at 25 Milliwatts of power at the distance of no more than 150 feet "FOR HOBBY PURPOSES ONLY", as specified under the rules and regulations by the Federal Communications Commission. We also aquired all and any permisions on rebroadcasting of any syndication programming as well as we broadcast public services announcements, and or any local business or community information. Please feel free to contact us regarding any, and all concerns or issues, that we want to absolutely stay within all rules and regulations as issued by the Federal Communication Commission. Thanks WLMNRADIOLLC.PHONE:1-(304)-903-8524EMAIL: wlmnradio@email.comOFFICE/STUDIO
Contact Information
ICQ UIN:-------
Skype name:wlmnradio
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