Private Information
Middlename (Nickname):MissMultiverse-SVK
Relationship Status:Single
About me:Hey I am Marika. I am from beautiful country Slovakia. When I was a child I was singing, playing the piano and dancing, I was a ballet dancer till I was 14 years old. Than I started my modeling carrer. I was at 3rd place in the modeling competition Elite Model Look. After that soon I started traveling. My first travel was to Paris, where I get shooting for magazine Grazia. During my carrer I visited so many places in the world, which I love so much !!! I love my job and also traveling. By all of this, I also started my studies at one of the best University in Slovakia - University of Comenius. I studied biolgy and geography. Now I am lector of biology for forigners studenst of medcine, what is so popular in Slovakia. Still I continue with modeling, I got so many fashion shows and magazine shootings and I created my own fashion magazin called by my name: M !!!
Contact Information
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